US Secretary of Labor Martin J. Walsh today recognized Saint Paul-based Ever-Green Energy as one of the 835 recipients of the 2022 HIRE Vets Medallion Award. The Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing American Military Veterans Act (HIRE Vets Act) Medallion Award is the only federal award program that recognizes employers who successfully recruit, hire and retain veterans. This is Ever-Green’s fourth consecutive year receiving this award.

“It is an honor to receive this award – but even more of an honor to work alongside people who have served our country,” said Luke Gaalswyk, president of Ever-Green Energy. “As a veteran and current member of the Minnesota Air National Guard, I know that veterans can bring tremendous and unique skillsets to the workplace, and it is our diverse and complex talent base that makes us a leader in our industry.”
Forty-one of Ever-Green Energy’s 159 current employees are veterans, making up more than 25% of the workforce. Ever-Green operates and manages energy and water systems in five states, including District Energy St. Paul and Duluth Energy Systems. The company has more than doubled its footprint since 2020, while also developing and consulting on several low-carbon energy projects across the country, from California to Vermont.
Recipients of the 2022 HIRE Vets Medallion Award meet rigorous employment and veteran integration assistance criteria, including veteran hiring and retention percentages, availability of veteran-specific resources, leadership programming for veterans, dedicated human resource efforts, National Guard and Reserve compensation provisions, and tuition assistance programs for veterans. More than 1,400 employers have earned a HIRE Vets Medallion Award since 2018.
About the HIRE Vets Medallion Program
The HIRE Vets Medallion Award is earned by businesses that demonstrate unparalleled commitment to attracting, hiring and retaining veterans. There are different awards for large employers (500-plus employees), medium employers (51-499 employees), and small employers (50 or fewer employees). Additionally, there are two award tiers: platinum and gold. For more information about the program and the application process, visit